Team Expectations

Team Expectations:

Our Team Expectations are listed below to refer back to throughout the 2024 season.

We as a team have two primary goals:

1.To prepare you to cheer safely at the high school level.

2.To see personal progress in each participant on the team.

To achieve those goals, the coaches maintain certain expectations for each member of the team:


To reach our full potential as a team, we need everyone to be on time for practices and games. Our game-day warmup is primarily for stunting purposes. It is crucial that everyone be on time .

*This does not apply to extenuating circumstances or if you have spoken with the coaches about regular scheduling conflicts. 

Athletes should arrive at all games and practices 10 minutes early. This allows time to take off jewelry, put away things, and get warmed up to start right on time.


-If you miss practice during the week, message the coaches, and we will have you send a video of the halftime dance we will be performing week and 3 cheers that you struggle with to really work on cleaning and perfecting. 

-This will only count as a makeup if you tell us beforehand that you will miss practice. Makeups do not guarantee a stunting position in the halftime that week. 

-If you miss practice the week of a game, you will not be in the halftime that week unless you do a makeup and tell coaches BEFORE you miss that you will be gone. 

1-5 minutes late to practice/games OR hair not up, jewelry on, gum, not prepared: 25 burpees

6-10 minutes late: 50 burpees

11+ minutes late: every minute past 10 minutes will be a lap around the field for entire team 

*These consequences provide an opportunity for strengthening while also encouraging personal responsibility. They are not targeted punishments, and just allow us to set clear expectations for our team.  We can only progress as a group when we are all on time and ready to work!


-We work together to achieve all goals. It takes a combined effort to succeed, and we expect you to support and respect every member of the team. 

-We uplift every person on this team and never tear them down. 

-Not only do we support each other, but we also support our football teams. We cheer for them, win or lose, and support them on and off the field. We NEVER talk negatively about another person on our team or the football teams. 

*Bullying: If the coaches hear about bullying on the team, the persons involved will be suspended from the team for a week while we investigate, with possible removal from the team. If behavior continues after a talk with the coach, the persons involved will be expelled from the team with no possibility of rejoining. This includes but is not limited to saying negative things directed at a fellow teammate, refusing to stunt with certain teammates, physical altercations, or gossiping, regardless of whether it happens at or outside of cheer. We have a strict 0-tolerance policy. 

If a person on the team feels they are being bullied, they should bring it to the coach and together they will work towards conflict resolution. Parents will always be involved.


As a stunting team, safety will always be our number one priority. Coaches reserve the right to make final calls on stunt groups; a set stunting position/group is never guaranteed. Our focus at this level of cheer is to work on technique and set a solid foundation so that you can go into high school better prepared. We will progress as far as the team can. Additionally, all of our coaching staff have training and memberships through USA Cheer.

Our coaching staff, Centennial Middle Cheer, teammates, the city of Provo, Timpview Youth Football, Centennial Middle School, or any other sponsor/host cannot be held responsible for any injury that occurs while participating in our cheerleading program. Cheer is an inherently dangerous sport, and you understand and accept all risks by agreeing to be part of this team.


First and foremost, we are CHEERleaders. Team members are expected to know every general cheer by June 5, 2024. This includes every ripple variation and front row/back row to each cheer. 

All cheers are posted to the following page: Our team only learns the GENERAL cheers. Our version of the cheers list is posted on our website's "cheers" page. If you request clarification videos, they will be uploaded to this website. The cheers we use are the same ones used at Timpview High School to help prepare you if you plan to attend Timpview. These cheers also teach motions that apply to all areas of cheer, so learning them is still valuable even if you attend another school.

Coaches reserve the right to pull teammates from the track during games if they do not know 3 cheers over the course of the game and have them sit out.

*If you still struggle with cheers, you can always reach out to captains or coaches, and we will be more than happy to help you learn them either by offering additional practices focused just on cheers, making video explanations, or some other method that works for you. 


Our hope for the team is that every individual grows from the beginning of the season to the end. The ultimate responsibility is on you to see personal growth; however, coaches can only offer advice/provide pathways to improve. It is up to you whether you put in the work to achieve your goal. Goals can include, but are not limited to:

Parent Commitment

Parent Expectations

It is expected that parents support their athlete in all endeavors. This includes:

Parent Communication:

Every parent is required to download the GroupMe app. We communicate solely through this app to give updates on practices, gameday information, or any other relevant info to parents. Parents will be added to the chat by coaches. We will have a team chat as well, for those who have phones and approval by parents to be part of.